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Protect Your Oral Health With an Orthodontist in Tukwila, WA Tuesday, October 17th, 11:00 PM
Create a Strong Foundation for Oral Health With Pacific Northwest Orthodontics

Tukwila, United States - October 17, 2023 / Pacific Northwest Orthodontics - Tukwila, WA /

Having bright, white, and all-around healthy teeth starts with a stable foundation. If your teeth are overcrowded, improperly aligned, or crooked, you'll have a hard time keeping them looking and feeling their best. Not only do these all-too-common orthodontic issues make it difficult to brush and floss effectively, but they also compromise facial aesthetics and chewing and talking abilities. At Pacific Northwest Orthodontics, we offer an impressive range of orthodontic treatments to help locals optimize their oral health.

Orthodontic Treatments for Open Bites

Common among people who spent years sucking their thumbs or drinking out of baby bottles, open bites make it impossible for the front, top and bottom teeth to meet. You might have an open bite if your food regularly sticks to the roof of your mouth or you have a hard time ripping and tearing bites of food off.

Having an open bite makes it difficult, if not impossible, to close the mouth completely. As such, people with open bites often experience advanced tooth decay and recurring problems with gum inflammation due to nighttime mouth breathing, dry mouth, and accelerated plaque formation. When you visit Pacific Northwest Orthodontics, we can establish a fast-acting, effective, and needs-specific plan for bringing your top and bottom teeth into alignment.

Alleviate the Chronic Discomfort of an Overbite

Much like an open bite, an overbite can have a widespread impact on your oral health. With imbalanced bite forces, you can expect to see faster and more significant tooth wear throughout the years. Untreated overbites can lead to chipped teeth, stress-related cracks and fractures, and painful oral infections.

Overbites can also cause facial pain, jaw pain, and recurring headaches if they aren't treated. Both open bites and overbites additionally impact digestion and set the stage for nutritional deficiencies. After all, if you aren't chewing your foods properly, your body will have a much harder time breaking them down and absorbing their nutrients.

Alleviate Stress and Improve Your Confidence

Common orthodontic problems like missing lateral incisors, underbites, tooth gaps, and open bites can be the cause of tremendous social stress. Much like missing teeth, discolored teeth, and teeth that are broken or otherwise badly damaged, they have a significant and immediate impact on how people perceive you. If you're tired of making the wrong first impressions or of feeling anxious and less-than-confident in social settings, the best place to start resolving your woes is at the alignment of your tooth structures. Not only can orthodontic treatment eliminate these and other bite-related problems, but it can also promote the success of other cosmetic dental restorations. With improved tooth alignment, you'll get far better results from dental implants, dental bridges, and other dental prostheses. With two-phase orthodontic treatment in Tukwila, WA, it's even possible to facilitate desirable facial changes such as strengthening and refining the jaw, tightening the under-chin area, and improving facial symmetry.

Protect and Enhance Your Oral Health at Pacific Northwest Orthodontics

Finding an orthodontist in Tukwila, WA, that locals can count on could be essential for meeting your cosmetic and health goals. At Pacific Northwest Orthodontics, we know that lasting oral health always begins with a solid, stable foundation. By prioritizing tooth alignment, balanced bite forces, and the health of underlying bone structures, we can help you get the smile you want now and maintain it long into the future.

Contact Information:

Pacific Northwest Orthodontics - Tukwila, WA

505 Strander Blvd
Tukwila, WA 98188
United States

Contact Pacific Northwest Orthodontics - Tukwila, WA
(253) 472-7788

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